赌场捕鱼网投对多样性、公平和赌场官方网投的承诺 & Social Justice
实现我们学校的使命需要成为一个公平和赌场官方网投的社区,反映了广泛的身份, lived experiences, and perspectives. Our 多元化、公平、赌场官方网投、 和社会正义(DEIS)的工作就是为这一信念服务的, 帮助创造一个所有社区成员都能茁壮成长的环境.
我们号召我们所有的学生, families, faculty, staff, 校友和受托人积极参与这项工作,无论是个人还是集体. And, 作为一个学习机构, 我们将努力确保我们的项目和课程反映我们的社区和世界的多样性, 包括不同种族的经历和观点, 国籍和/或种族出身, socioeconomic class, faith, political affiliation, physical abilities, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. We acknowledge that there is much work to be done and that conflicts may arise in the co-creation of a just and equitable community; we see these conflicts as opportunities for restoration, growth, and learning. 我们邀请您加入我们的旅程.